TRX Dragonflag

5 new TRX moves! (low anchor point)

Here are 5 TRX exercises I like to incorporate from time to time to change things up a bit and challenge my clients and athletes in new and innovative ways. All five of these movements will test your strength, endurance, flexibility and coordination. The TRX is such a versatile piece of equipment and utilizing it with a low anchor position just opens the door to many more possibilities. Here is a brief breakdown on the 5 exercises: 1. TRX...
partner pullups

Partner Training for MMA Conditioning

I had been working with an athlete for several weeks in a traditional one-on-one setting and recently began to notice that his strength, energy levels, and overall intensity were down. In a recent session, I could sense early on in our mobility work that he was just going through the motions. Perhaps my teaching cues and motivational lingo were not hitting home with him, or maybe he just had a fight with his girlfriend earlier that day about some...
TRX Rows - Hawaii style

5 TRX moves you may have never seen before

Here are 5 TRX movements you may have never seen before. These are fairly advanced exercises that will definitely test your core strength, endurance, flexibility and coordination. These are not traditional movements that I use in my programming. These are complex moves that I incorporate occasionally to challenge my athlete or client beyond their comfort zone. I only suggest these to clients who are in good health with no musculoskeletal issues. I can not stress enough that I do...

My favorite piece of equipment

What’s your favorite piece of fitness equipment? Over the years I’ve been asked that question many times and over the years my answer has changed many times. Give me a bar and a couple plates and we’ve got the best, foundational movements available with deadlifts, squats, presses, and pulls. Give me a medicine ball and a wall and we are set for an explosive and challenging hour. Give me a TRX and I’m good to go for a demanding...

Midsection Madness for MMA

Posted 15 Feb 2011 in Articles
Say no to crunches

I love telling my client or athlete that we are going to hit the “core” hard and then walk them over to the pull-up bar for pulls or the trap bar for sets of deadlifts. I cringe every time I hear someone say that it’s time to blast the core and lay on the floor and begin crunching away for 50 reps. The definition of one’s core has gotten lost in translation over the years and we need to better understand what it really is. I like to refer to the core as – any muscles and structures that support and stabilize the pelvis, spine, and shoulders. I’d have to refer back to my old A&P text books to...

I’m injured, now what?

Posted 23 Jan 2011 in Articles
bull fighter

Find the silver lining in your injury **Disclaimer — I’m not a doctor and I’ve never played one on TV** My thoughts on this topic of injuries are simply from my personal experience and the experience of my clients and athletes. I am currently dealing with a shoulder injury due to my poor arm-bar escape technique, so this subject is fresh in my mind at the moment. The focus of this article is to discuss what you do AFTER you have sustained an injury. Are you going to be proactive and get better? Are you going to cower in the corner of the stall like Jim Carey in “Dumb & Dumber”? I vote being proactive; accept it, get your...

TRX Partner Exercises

Posted 07 Jan 2011 in Articles

Here are 4 TRX movements we came up with that require a partner. FAI recommends one unit per person; however, we felt these were safe, effective alternatives that we incorporate on occasion to infuse a little competition and a lot of fun. Here is a brief breakdown on the 4 exercises: 1. TRX Suspended Burpee w/Knee Drive This exercise involves one person exercising while the other person provides a target for the knee drive. Your partner performs a suspended burpee with one foot in a foot cradle while you stand in front of them. On the way up he will grab the back of your head while driving the knee from the TRX leg into a target (either hands...

The Barefoot Running Revolution

Posted 05 Jan 2011 in Articles

Guest article from my good friends at PerformancEDU. “Barefoot training” and “minimalist” shoes are making waves in athletic communities across the country.  Yet these two training innovations are not one and the same.  Minimalist shoes such as Vibram FiveFingers and Nike Free are joining the shoe landscape, partially in response to the bare-footing movement. “Great athletes have known forever that the key to balance and explosive movement is having as little between your foot and planet Earth as possible,” says author Christopher McDougall.  “Martial artists and gymnasts always go barefoot, and the best distance runners alive grew up covering massive miles with nothing on their feet.” McDougall’s book Born to Run critically examines the historical and cultural links between...

My (current) top 25 quotes

Posted 23 Dec 2010 in Articles

I love quotes.  They motivate, inspire, and help get me going when I need a little push. I have pages and pages of quotes that I refer to often. I like to pick a quote each morning and use it as my mantra for the day. I put them up on my fridge, the mirror in my bathroom, on the wall next to my desk; anywhere that I will see them frequently. I will say them to clients during a session, or email them at random times during the day just to help get their mind right. Here is my current “top 25″ list. This is a list that changes on a weekly basis. Use them  and share them...

Interview with Ultimate Sandbag Training

Posted 15 Dec 2010 in Articles

Check out the latest interview I did with Josh Henkin from Ultimate Sandbag Training. We talk strength training for the combat athlete and discuss the fallacies and misconceptions that come about with what makes for real and effective MMA training. Listen in as we’ll dispel a lot of these myths and show how a well thought out MMA program can be amazingly effective. Interview link can be found on THIS PAGE

Fab 5 Finishers

Posted 12 Dec 2010 in Articles

If you’ve ever witnessed or participated in a metabolic circuit designed for combat athletes, you’ve seen hard core. You’ve seen guys pushed to their physical limits. You’ve probably seen tire flips, prowler pushes, and ground & pound drills. You may have even seen some guys on their knees reaching for the nearest bucket. There are many variations out there these days, but the majority consist of circuits that are 3-5 rounds (sets) that last up to 5 minutes long and include a variety of compound movements designed to improve the athlete’s strength, power, endurance, coordination, and overall physical and mental toughness. The average individual would be completely exhausted and headed to the showers after one of these training sessions....

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